4 definitions by Jada Skye

Hannah Montana, a Disney Channel series, is awful. If you want to watch some obnoxious, untalented, irritating brat attempt to act and sing, you should crawl out into the middle of a Seattle street at rush hour. Seriously. She sucks.
Hannah Montana's "actress", Miley Cyrus, only has a leading role on TV because of her mullet-haired dad, Achy Breaky Heart singer, Billy Ray Cyrus. He's worse than she is, and those awful Tennessee accents are the icing on the cake. She has no talent. At all.
by Jada Skye October 28, 2006
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Probably about 80% of the people in my town. Almost everyone is involved in sport hunting, rodeo, swearing, and smoking or chewing tobacco. Oh, and everyone one is related to each other in some way.
If you love hunting out of season and you accidentally date your cousin, you might be a redneck.
by Jada Skye October 30, 2006
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Renee Zellweger: An extraordinarily hideous actress who looks like she's suffering from a variety of different syndromes; namely: anaphylactic shock, constipation, variola major (smallpox), and bloating.
Just look at Renee Zellweger's "un-touched" photos. Serious allergic reaction there.
by Jada Skye October 28, 2006
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The Uma Thurman yipped at passers-by from the safety of Paris Hilton's purse.
by Jada Skye November 2, 2006
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