10 definitions by JPatt

a noun derived from the verb shack (see defintion 1 and 4)

a shacky is never taken seriously. he or she is someone that you mess around with frequently, but feel no emotional ties to. a shacky may begin to act as your significant other and may even buy you dinner, but shackys can never ascend to the level of boyfriend/girlfriend. never. they are you shacky, and you keep them in their place.
"You spend a lot of time over at Steve's place. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Fuck no! He's just my shacky."
by JPatt February 6, 2005
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when you pass out somewhere and have to walk home in last night's clothes looking like you shacked up with someone when in actuality you slept alone in a puddle of your own vomit.
"That's last night's dress. You doing the walk of shame?"
"More like the walk of lame-- I passed out in the frat house bathroom alone."
by JPatt December 24, 2004
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Not Quit Our Kind, used to describe someone you don't identify with or relate to, a person who doesn't fit in with your group.
Indie chick 1: What did you think of my new boyfriend?
Indie chick 2: Uh, he's nice but NQOK. We don't normally hang out with Republican fratty types.
by JPatt March 4, 2009
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