4 definitions by JJTHEPANDA

James- A kind of guy to have a big heart. He also is very trusting of people and can get taken advatage of. But you know what tehy say about big heart not big dick
Omg Jadens going out with James
I ship it
by JJTHEPANDA September 9, 2018
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Small Asian gay boi that loves pp. He loves to touch and feel he also loves girls with only one name. Lauren.
I love big dicks said Mikki.
Then dont date kevin said daruis
by JJTHEPANDA September 9, 2018
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Joseph or Joey is the hottest and seciest guy alive. They tend to have decent size penises but ehh. They are always the best that everything they do. Also they are so smart. They tend to be always right. They are right so much to the point its annoying.
Omg is that Joseph/Joeyhe is always right is sucks.
by JJTHEPANDA January 3, 2019
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Blonde Sam is a guy or girl named Sam that happens to be blonde. Lets be honest he or she is probably gay and they are big nerds.
by JJTHEPANDA December 20, 2018
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