4 definitions by JFed

The phenomenon of people believing everything they read on "the internets". If you are Goo-gullible you believe everything you have Googled.
Felix: "Hey - I see that aliens have invaded Hong Kong".
Buster: "Where did you hear that?".
Felix: "I Googled it - it's true".
Buster: "Dude, you are so Goo-gullible".
by JFed July 14, 2012
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Being prejudiced against a group of whom you are a member.
Sean: Those immigrant Catholics are so damn ignorant.
Tom: Uh, dude you are an immigrant Catholic.

Sean: Yeah, I know. I am showing my self-prejudice again...
by JFed May 22, 2014
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Friends who are very intimate or affectionate, but not in a sexual nature.
"You're a lesbian, she's a lesbian, and you're both hot. Why don't you two get together?"

"I love her, but we're just platon-o-pals"
by JFed November 21, 2006
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Our esteemed new President is denouncing global warning and will be completely screwing the planet, reversing any progress made to date on addressing Global Warming, climate change while building walls to keep the bad hombres out.
Rich: I need to get more sunscreen.
Tom: Why?
Rich: Brace yourself, President Trump is gearing up for a very big (or if the hands are any indicator, tiny) round of Global Wanking, pissing on our allies and accelerating climate change and global warming!
by JFed January 29, 2017
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