116 definitions by Icy Wyte

A very strange language that consists mainly of "um's" and "uh's." When a speaker of Bidenese does say anything else, it's usually just incorrect information or words mixed up with each other, often times a normal sentence in Bidenese will contain numbers that don't actually exist, or mispronounced words or words that don't actually exist. It also contains many transitional phrases, such as "here's the deal" and "think about it", but without actually saying anything before or after.
Guy1: Uh uh, uh um uh, the rapidly rising um, uh um, uh um I don't know, look, let me be plerflectly queer, I think that um, um uh, I mean, since covid, just since the outbreak, it has taken over 100 years, or wait, I mean 2,000 billion million dollars, or uh, 5646 million billion, or uh, 5 thousand 4 hundred 52 dollars, I I mean 54 thousand 5 hundred and 20 dollars, 545 thousand hundred dollars, but think about it, that's the same thing I told Raprock, I told him that badacathcare is a right, so please help me, I need your help, I'm coming directly to you for ask a big favor.
Guy2: I don't understand you I don't speak Bidenese, and I don't speak retard either!
by Icy Wyte July 21, 2022
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What Joe Biden obviously has. Anybody who can't see that is either blind or lying to themselves.
You want to know what dementia is? Just look at Joe Biden and try to listen to any one of his "speeches" and you'll know.
by Icy Wyte July 21, 2022
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A "rapper" who is really more of a singer than a rapper. When he tries to rap he just sounds weird and out of place.
Bob: Have you heard the rapper Drake?
Bill: Rapper? I thought he was a singer!
by Icy Wyte December 30, 2017
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When a man, who is generally believed to be straight (although this is up for debate) gets peed on by another man, usually as a result of drinking too much. What really makes it a Drake is if the man being peed on doesn't try to get away or put up a fight, but instead just stays there and "soaks up the moment."
Justin: Yo you'll never believe what happened to me last night, I was at this party and this one guy who had way too much to drink was acting really crazy and out of control, and at one point he pulled down his pants and pissed all over me!
Doug: Oh man, that's terrible! You put up a fight and got the hell away from him though right?
Justin: Um well, I, ...um, I tried to um, ...I couldn't...
Doug: Dude you got draked!
Justin: Well...the thing is, ...um, I kind of, um I kind of,...
Doug: You kind of what?
Justin: I kind of enjoyed it! There! I enjoyed it alright?
Doug: Wow yeah you definitely got so totally draked! I can't wait to tell everyone!
Justin: No, no no, don't tell them, I don't want anybody to know I enjoyed it, if anybody from that party ever says anything we'll make up a lie that I was horribly offended by it and I put up a fight and ran out of there. Everyone was drunk so maybe they won't remember.
Doug: But bro, if you enjoyed it you should admit it, not be ashamed of who you really are for the rest of your life.
Justin: no, no I can never tell anybody how much I enjoyed this.
Doug: Okay, well I guess that's the Drake thing to do. Besides everyone already thinks your sus anyway!
by Icy Wyte June 16, 2022
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Someone who sucks at freestyle rapping
Bob couldn't even spit a decent freestyle, he's such a Lil Wayne.
by Icy Wyte January 4, 2018
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To do a horrible job at something you were expected to be good at.
The singer Mariah Careyed that performance
by Icy Wyte January 2, 2018
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Someone who thinks they are better than they really are.
John: I could out-sing all of the other guys in this group. I just have more talent than all of them and they are so beneath me!
Tom: John, stop being such a Mariah Carey, it's very childish!
by Icy Wyte December 9, 2016
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