3 definitions by IamAcand

You are officially so bored that you have ascended.
Ah damn im dying of boredom lemme type in mmqqnnwwbbeevvrrccttxxyyzzuulliikkoojjpphhaaggssffdd into urban dictionary
by IamAcand June 4, 2022
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The only thing more cancerous than actual cancer
by IamAcand May 26, 2022
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This might seem like a really fun game, but, trust me, it's not even close to that. The code is messy and buggy. The security is trash. All levels are shit except the ones that aren't, which isn't the majority. Most of the featured levels are unplayable on phones, and in general because the gameplay is so awful. And don't even wait for an update because you'll just get bored to death.
- Hey do you know what made Jake destroy his PC with a hammer and start unbearably screaming in rage?
- He probably just died at 99% in Geometry Dash
by IamAcand May 26, 2022
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