4 definitions by ILIkEWoRdsYuM

The Stare

When one of your animals is on your lap, and when you start to push them of to get up they stare at you. A look in their eyes that says “don’t leave, otherwise I’ll be sad”. You love your pet so much that you don’t move and don’t get anything done for the rest of the day.
by ILIkEWoRdsYuM February 24, 2020
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A Way of discarding a object by throwing, or “yeeting” it at high speed over your head. If you get it in the bin, then congratulations.
YEETABIX YeEt (throws can into bin)
by ILIkEWoRdsYuM February 24, 2020
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When you feel so bored you feel like your dead
IMDEAD cuz I’m so bored
by ILIkEWoRdsYuM February 24, 2020
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