511 definitions by I Saw U2 Live Twice

1. a euphenism for someone to realize that something didn't happen, it ain't happening now and it never will.

2. a hit song from the summer of 1989 by Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin and her pupil Whitney Houston.
1. Sarah Palin's 17 year old daughter recently said she "knows" the father of her child "loves" her and will "come back" to them some day. Anybody else surely knows about this "love" - it isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna be.

2. Johnny lived with a girl in BFE. He slacked off and she worked all day to make some money for him. One afternoon he packed up and left her high and dry. Every evening she sits on the porch waiting for moocher Johnny to come back. It isn't, it wasn't, it ain't never gonna be. He never gave a damn all this time.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 5, 2009
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a Swedish Europop band that scored big hits in the 90s. Their debut album "The Sign" was the number one album for the year 1994 in America. The title track was also the biggest song of that year in the U.S.A. Compared to ABBA, the group consists of Joker, Buddha, Lyn Bergssen and Jenny Bergssen.
Wlliam: Wanna hear some Ace of Base?

Leonard: Yeah! I saw some of their videos on TV. Man, those chicks are HOT!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 23, 2006
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when you have to be cruel to be kind, it simply means you are dishing out tough love to your lover. (S)he will later recognize that you have his/her best interests in mind and will later be grateful for what you are doing. Things will all pan out in the end, your lover just has to trust you.
"Cruel to be Kind" is a late 1979 hit for British rock'n'roller Nick Lowe. He's made other great witty songs as well, check out his 1989 greatest hits release "Basher: The Best of Nick Lowe", it's terrific. Also, a different song of the same title appears on the debut album "Resident Alien" by Spacehog, from 1995.
... cruel to be kind
in the right measure
cruel to be kind
it's a very good sign (dit dit)
cruel to be kind
means that I love you
you gotta be cruel, you gotta be cruel to be kind
woo hoo hoo hoooo hooo hoooo...

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 3, 2007
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the Jagger Swagger is the confident, cocky, attitude - stoked air and persona that Mick Jagger emits when he struts his butt on the walkway and flicks his hands in the air. Then he shakes his toosh out for the pleasure of the audience. He does this several times during a Rolling Stones concert. He oozes of the feel of rebellious air and sneering 'tude. Of course he adds to it by snarling most of his vocals. All these qualities have led some critics to label it all being conceited, but these traits have made Mick a major influence and inspiration to countless rock-n-rollers.
Michael Hutchence ("Hutch") of INXS certainly has the Jagger Swagger. He's often compared to Jim Morrison of the Doors but his voice has some Jaggeresque inflections and he shows some Mick Jagger influence in his aura and performing style as well. I never got to see INXS live in concert (unfortunately) but I have seen them on TV and Michael clearly had been studying some of Mick's stage antics, style and attitude. Of course, even though INXS is often classified as a "New Wave" band, there's a strong Stonesy element in their rock-n-roll. I have seen the Stones live in concert and the powerful imprints that they have made on many, many bands (including INXS) was very apparent that night in sound and live image (the Jagger Swagger and many other influences). Michael, we miss you and we need you more now than ever. RIP dude.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 1, 2008
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In 1988, Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards was asked by the press what he thought of certain music acts in the late Eighties. When asked his opinion of Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine, he described them as "the Holiday Inn lounge act that made it". Even tho she's done some good stuff, this designation refers to hotel lounge music acts.
I was in my hotel room and I heard this lady in the lounge playing an electronic keyboard and singing pop songs. She's the local resident Gloria Estefan.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 5, 2007
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Of course, we call know that "mofo" is a more "polite" form of the word "motherfucker", just like the abbreviation "M.F.". "Mother" is also a substitute for that nasty word. "Mofo" is also the title of a song from the album "Pop", released by the band U2 in 1997. The song refers to Bono's mother, who died of cancer when Bono (Paul Hewson) was a teenager (Paul McCartney grew up with losing his mom in the same way). In the song Bono asks his dead mom "Mother, am I still your son?", and he asks her if she sees him on stage tonight and if she is proud of him. He does not sing the words "mofo", "motherfucker" or any related word in the lyrics. Maybe in a case of Irish humor, the song got its name as a parody of all the songs that feature the word "motherfucker" that saturated the market at the time, going on today.
1. That porno mag publisher is one sicko mofo, and he knows it, and he relishes that fact. He is proud to be an SMF.

2. When I saw U2 in concert in the spring of 1997, the 1979 classic by M called "Pop Music" was played, then came "Mofo", followed by "I Will Follow", then by several other U2 hits. Major kick ass.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice September 21, 2007
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1. a situation where a man (a client?) has a sexual quickie. Maybe it's during a break period.

2. a euphenism for just plain ordinary non-kinky sex. No oral or anal or role-playing or S & M jive, just slide it in. Sometimes referred to as simply "wham, bam!".

3. What rock'n'roll chameleon David Bowie interjects after the last verse and before the grand blowout of his classic hit "Suffragette City". It's on the legendary protopunk album "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders of Mars".
1. James and Mary had a hot time in the storage room this afternoon. It was so brief but so electric and so intense it was a case of "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!".

2. Jojo was walking around the streets of Salt Lake City when he saw some college students unpacking a Volkswagon. They told Jojo that they were going to do some kinky sex acts, threesomes, an orgy and such and invited him to join them. Jojo declined. They asked him what kind of sex he liked doing. He just deadpanned "Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!".

3. On the CD version of the "Fire And Gasoline" album by Steve Jones of the Sex Pistols there is a cover of "Suffragette City". Steve Jones substitutes the " Wham, bam, thank you ma'am!" line with "Wham, bam, load it baby!".

4. Ahhhhhhh, wham, bam, thank you ma'am!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 19, 2009
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