6 definitions by I'm funny I swear

The same unintelligent man who made kitchen gun made the amazing toilet grenade. It cleans toilets but will also entirely destroy them. You pull the pin, take off the handle, throw it in the toilet, close the lid and in five seconds you can say goodbye to your toilet and possibly your life.

But the actual definition is a giant shit, inside a toilet.
That man blew up his toilet with that new toilet grenade.
by I'm funny I swear March 24, 2021
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The definition is the Caesar Cipher here, (when you shift by 7); H afwl vm jpwoly aoha pucvsclz fvb av bzl h zopma, aol htvbua vm zwhjlz fvb dhua av nla aol ubtily ypnoa, hz h ubtily. If ahrpun aol slaaly, bzl aol ubtily aoha fvb dhua av zopma if, huk zopma aol ubtily aoha tbjo zwhjlz mvydhykz. Iba il jhylmbs, aol slaaly pz uva aol slaaly pu vykly pa pz pu aol hswohila. Pm fvby zopma dhz 7, sprl aol zopma fvby jbyyluasf bzpun av mpuk aopz klmpupapvu, pa dvbsk thrl H hu O, uva H av h N. Av nla N myvt hu H, fvb'ss ullk aol jpwoly av il zpe. Ihzpjhssf, ahrl aol slaaly fvb ullk huk ayhuzmvyt pa av aol slaaly huk tvcl pa av h slaaly bzpun aol zopma aoha fvb jovzl. (Pm aol zopma dhz zlclu aolu pa dvbsk thrl zvtlaopun sprl M huk T.)
The guy name Caesar was so proud of his name, that he used the Caesar Cipher to communicate.
by I'm funny I swear March 24, 2021
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The action of typing every single possible key on the qwerty keyboard forwards and backwards. This is the result of absolute boredom, because you're clearly supposed to be doing work right now, and instead you searched up this to see what would happen.

You think you're funny don't you?
Guy 1: I'm bored.
Guy 2: Same.
Guy 1: I know let's search up random things by bashing our heads on the keyboard.
Guy 2: Good idea lets do `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>??><MNBVCXZ":LKJHGFDSA|}{POIUYTREWQ+_)(*&^%$#@!~/.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-09874321` first.
Guy 1: How did you even say that?
Guy 2: I have no idea but lets do it anyways.
Guy 1: ok
by I'm funny I swear March 23, 2021
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1- A way to tell someone to induce in a violent action against you in a really hard way. For example punching someone very hard.
2- a way to tell someone to fuck you hard.
Guy 1: hey can you hit me hard?
Guy 2: in what way?
Guy 1: bruh
by I'm funny I swear March 23, 2021
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The same as worst day ever, but it's in usage when the entire month so far, sucks because of every small mistake you did on the day before.
I got fired two days ago, because I did a prank on April fools day. When i applied to a new job the next day, I didn't get it because I couldn't sleep the day before. Today I got banned on my favorite website for a false claim, of something that happened yesterday. Worst Month Ever so far.
by I'm funny I swear April 4, 2021
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hope this gets on trending like all the others do

but seriously watermelon sugar is sugar inside a watermelon, god what is wrong with you people?
jack: this definition of watermelon sugar is the only serious one

john: nah there's others

jack: where?

john: the place where everyone's perfect
by I'm funny I swear April 4, 2021
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