10 definitions by Hunter Williams

The word slut with an added o and u. Also with the words "Fruit loop" before it. Used when being killed/losing or lost in a game.
"Oh my god dude that guy ownd u"
"I am going to throw that Fruit loop sloute out the window"
"Dude its only scrabble"
by Hunter Williams July 26, 2009
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Is a male term used to describe that act of hideing a boner on the waist band of there pants. One of the best ways to hide an erection
Guy1"i got a mad hard on"
Chick1"monkey wrench that shit its nasty"
Guy2"please do or itll get wacked"
by Hunter Williams October 27, 2009
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Pornshway is the way your furniture is postioned so that from no matter were a person is sitting they cannot not see the porn that someone is viewing
Panda: Hey turtle whats up with all ur furnture
Turtle: i Pornshwayed it so no one can see my porn cuzz
Penguin: How the fuck does a turtle have furnture
by Hunter Williams August 23, 2009
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A sentnce that can be used when not at or at a party. It means something that's got to suck
"Hey man i just raped by a panda"
"Well thats no fun at a party"
by Hunter Williams July 26, 2009
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A different way of asking someone if there for real
Guy1"Oh my fucking god i just got hit by 20 trucks"
Guy2"Are you a straight up cuzz"
Rhinoese"nah i dont think he is"
Guy2"ohk what the heaven"
by Hunter Williams August 23, 2009
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When a women partner in the relationship threatns that if the man dose not do what she has told him to do he is not getting any sex
Girl"hey randy could you come wacth bold and the beutiful with me"
Randy"uhh get fucked"
Girl"well i wont be letting u if u dont wacth it with me"
Randy"You know what u can do get ur pussy mail and ur ugly bicth ass and shove them up ur vagina"

Girl"thought pussy mail would work"
by Hunter Williams August 2, 2009
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It means to be blackmailed but by a woman that is either ur wife or girlfriend. It is when a man is blackmailed by there female partner with the comnsquence of no booty, sex or love making
Guy "i am not going to finger this panda's but"
Chick"If u dont u aint get any"
Pand"Dam u just got Pussy mailed"
Guy"what the fuck"
by Hunter Williams August 2, 2009
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