3 definitions by Homo Erectus

Homo erectus is an extinct species of archaic humans that lived throughout most of the Pleistocene geological epoch. Its earliest fossil evidence dates to 1.8 million years ago.

However , in 2014 , they were once again sighted as matador-wielding brutes in Destiny. The first victims of their relentless onslaught was Khopu and DarknessDude334z
Oh my god guys... I just got homo erectus’d.
by Homo Erectus August 3, 2018
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An unruly mass of pubic hair, specifically that on the scrotum.
His scrotumbleweed got caught in his zipper, and things got ugly.
by Homo Erectus November 27, 2003
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A person who engages in sexual activities with swine, or is otherwise contemptible.
That George W. Bush is some kind of pigfucker.
by Homo Erectus November 27, 2003
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