15 definitions by Homefrog


A loser with no self image and no life at all. Or an exquisit food prepared with the hair of cartman. Or to kill the evil biotch CARTMAN
Man I hate showoffs I kill
by Homefrog October 29, 2003
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Tokien Nerd

A really loser fan of really really super kool movies and books. Can repeat any chapter, and speak elvish. Also stalks many of the stars.
Shakespears' got nothing on Tolkien, he invented Elvish, Shakespears only got English
by Homefrog February 18, 2004
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A homefrog is a frog that is cool. Kinda in the fasion of Home Star Runner, but cooler. Calling some one Homefrog means they are the apifiny of culture, coolness, hipness, and the last mango in paris.
I'd be stupid if I wasn't Homefrog.
Wassup homefrog
by Homefrog October 29, 2003
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Friday, ahhhhh sweet friday. End of the week. And as we all know, Fridays are pants optional days!
"Streaker" Bob yelled, "Bam, I got shot!"
"Don't worry Fridays are pants optional!"
"And medikare will help, if you pay Bush!
by Homefrog February 20, 2004
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Means retarded. Used to express a really dumb guy whi obviously has no mind of his own.
by Homefrog January 30, 2004
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Yo Shidigidy

Some crazy word from the people that made sup. Can mean yes, or wow. Also a random word used when no other can work.
by Homefrog January 30, 2004
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A crazy website that is funny for no reason. It rocks, but science has yet to find out why. Who ever made it was reallllllly creative. And he must be cool, no koool. Addictively funney, should make a movie.
I checked out Homestarrunner.com and found it to be funney for no reason. I'm hooked.
by Homefrog February 18, 2004
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