3 definitions by HereForAGoodTimeNotALongTime

When you smear raw cookie dough on your dick and then perform sexual intercourse at a high intensity rate, the heat from the friction caused by going at fast speeds should cook the dough enough that when she pussy farts, it should smell like your grandma's freshly baked cookies.
I turned her pussy into an easy bake oven with a bucket of raw cookie dough
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When you want your girl to admit to something so before sex you start asking her questions while slapping ya dick on her hairy clit. Girls will crack to this interrogation method. If not, just stop and walk away.
My girl didn't text me back all night so I was beating around the bush until she was about to cum and then I stopped, she told me she was passed out with a whole pizza.
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Inking is when you make a woman laugh while she is on her period and a little bit of blood leaks through and gets on her underwear.
I hate when a mfker makes me laugh when I'm on my period because awww bitch you made me ink myself
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