12 definitions by Heath Raftery

The behaviour of smokers at a predominantly non-smoking social event, who leave from time to time to have a smoke.
"You're going outside again? You're so antismotial!"

"Right, it's that time again, I'm off to be antismotial."
by Heath Raftery May 3, 2009
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A largely benign condition whose main symptom is the appearance of deep red creases across one or more fingers, forming a continuous valley. The condition is mildly uncomfortable but generally leaves no trace beyond ten minutes or so.

Causes include carrying heavy plastic shopping bags.
Oh damn, check out this bagatitis I picked up from Woolies today.
That's some nasty bagatitis you've got there!
by Heath Raftery February 2, 2009
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General ado or excitement. Can be used as an exclamation to convey general high spirits, or sarcastically in response to an overzealous statement.
"Wackadoo troops! What a ripper party."

Chick: "And then she said that Harry has a big nose!"
Dude: "Well wackadoo. He does have a big schnoz."
by Heath Raftery August 10, 2007
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The difficult to pronounce abbreviation that begins many web URLs: www

Formed from three double-u's and suggests more considered sophistication than the reactionist "tri-double-u".
Man, you have to check out this site: sextuple-u dot urban dictionary dot com
by Heath Raftery June 18, 2007
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One's regular haunts. The places one frequents or is associated with.

Old fashioned Australian slang, usually phrased as around the traps.
"News from around the traps is that Sally is bonking Frank"

"Haven't seen you around these here traps for a while!"
by Heath Raftery May 7, 2008
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