12 definitions by Hanz Von Steiner

a compound word describing Italians who are especially stupid and wiggerish
That kid John is such a woptard! He's got a bumper sticker that says "Italian Stallion"
by Hanz Von Steiner March 7, 2005
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Two useless pot-smoking hippies from a movie as shitty as "Half-baked" and "The Big Lebowski"
All my friends hate goddamn pussy potheads like Harold and Kumar because they waste their hollow lives with absolutely nothing to show for all their empty days except electroencephalograms full of dark spots. Fuck!
by Hanz Von Steiner March 26, 2005
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vb. to suck dick, this term is sometimes used to edit movies when they appear on television
She puffed so much hog that her eardrums burst.
by Hanz Von Steiner March 10, 2005
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By far the shittiest film ever to become so popular. Utterly shitty. So shitty that I wanted to cry. I can't understand why people liked it and not the 100 movies/shows/internet shorts that come out every month with the exact same type of fucking stupid humor. On top of all that it was slow paced and boring. see shit
Damn! This movie blows donkey cock! I'm not watching another minute of this shit! I wish Napoleon would open his damn eyes, that squinting bastard! If that fucking kid makes another film I'll hunt him down, eat his brain, and use his lifeless body for pre-med anatomical studies!
by Hanz Von Steiner March 26, 2005
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the condition of being excessively stupid of forgetful, retarded
That kid has mad wetbrain. He asked me how to spell "example."
by Hanz Von Steiner March 8, 2005
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