4 definitions by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator
Rhys is a god of unrivalled proportion, he can spark universes into life with a single thought and is also capable of phasing between realities. Rhys is truly a god in human form
by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator February 18, 2022
by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator September 27, 2021
A cylinder of fat digestive organs and pure horny potential Dexters gut it made of literal steel and is impervious to any damage his horniness is enough to power an entire city block at least until elliot chopped his balls off and robbed humanity of the next age of technology Dexter is by most accounts a mere cocaine sniffer dog that cant actually sniff out cocaine but to many other people he is known as the fat dog that ate an entire christmas cake and walk away unscathed
Elliot: we better get dexter some food aswell or he will try eat ours
Dexter: deepthroats sausage roll
Dexter: deepthroats sausage roll
by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator February 26, 2022
Tasty sweets I found under my parents bed that make me see a monster in the corner of my room staring at me with its blank dead stare that penetrates my souls harder than my horny dad.
by HamesTheGingeAnnihilator February 18, 2022