4 definitions by Haha I'm gay

When you are on your phone and press the ?123 thing in the bottom right and then press the =\< thing above it and press them all starting from the top left to the bottom. You nerd
Person 1:Hey I'm really bored
Person 2: Good for you just type in something stupid like ~`|•√π÷׶∆£¢€¥^°={}\%©®™✓

Person 1: Ok
by Haha I'm gay October 22, 2020
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How did you type that on accident like it's not a word come on
Why did you just type Crandshal into the search engine
by Haha I'm gay October 22, 2020
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It's an acronym for give me your nickels mother fucker
What did you think? Also gmynmf
by Haha I'm gay October 22, 2020
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First of all why did you just look up gay on urban dictionary? Second if you are gay then be gay I won't give a shit you're amazing dude good luck with life have a nice day.
Guy 1:Dude I think I love you
Guy 2:Me too
Guy 1:Well I guess I'm gay (or bisexual)

Guy 2:Ya me yo
*Start making out
by Haha I'm gay October 22, 2020
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