3 definitions by Grandfather Clock

A samblanket is a person who will often deceive you and/or pretend to be your friend when they are really your enemy and have something against you.
1. I often wonder if Jaron is a samblanket.
2. They samblanket who sent me those threatening messages is among us right now.
by Grandfather Clock April 14, 2015
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A kiviat is a snobby person who does something to piss someone off or someone who is popular and favorable to everyone else but you because you can not stand him or his actions.
1. Jaron stole my idea. He's such a Kiviat.
2. Am I the only one who thinks Jaron is a Kiviat?
by Grandfather Clock April 13, 2015
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Nerockery is an alternative word for bullshit or something that is unjust or unreal.
1. That's a load of nerockery

2. This nerockery is too much to handle
by Grandfather Clock April 13, 2015
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