14 definitions by Gotta let go

Looked this up beacuse you're viewing it as an option and hope someone says something nice like "a thing people do when they feel awful, so be nice to them"? Wrong site for you. It's full of definitions that will hurt your feelings. I recommend calling your local suicide hotline or going to a different site, like Google. You matter.
Suicide is an answer, but not the answer
by Gotta let go October 10, 2020
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A male 13-19 years old. Stereotyped by society as horny and dumb.
by Gotta let go October 10, 2020
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Fuck you
Rasism is bad, don't post today beacuse you're white #blackllivesmatter
Fuck you
by Gotta let go October 12, 2020
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Something that's very common on this site.
Urban dictionary user: Wallace drein is a piece of shit who needs to die and has a pee desperation fetish
(That's hate speech and people's personal information, if you didn't know. Also Wallace drein is not a real person.)
by Gotta let go October 10, 2020
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A Misspelled version of the word "suicide".
Suiside is badass!
Actually, it's "suicide".
by Gotta let go October 10, 2020
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