5 definitions by Gothic Harley Quinn

To watch someone having sex on their own or with someone despite the relationship status. as long as all parties know and agree to it.

This is usually considered a kink.
A man cucks in his best friend and his best friend's wife on their anniversary. therefore his is cucking them.
by Gothic Harley Quinn April 21, 2023
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The thing your parents and teachers encourage when you are a kid, only for it to start getting crushed by life.
Kid: "mommy, I want to be a doctor when I grow up"
Mother: "yes son you can achieve anything!"
~kid grows up to the last year of high school~
Kid:"mom I am going to be a bartender"
Mother:"what happened to your dream of wanting to become a doctor?"
Kid:"life.... and my grades"
by Gothic Harley Quinn August 6, 2016
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When something is fun and annoying at the same time.
Friend: Heey, how is your university module going?

Me: meh, its funnoying.
by Gothic Harley Quinn March 18, 2019
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The word all students fear.

A piece of paper that might screw up someones life if they don't write anything on it.

Something that makes most students wish to die on the weeks before they go into the room and take the test.

Something that makes most students have teamwork spirit.

A paper that teachers love to surprise, scare and threat their students with.
Younger brother: "brow-der, come plwaay with me"
Big brother: "leave me alone, I have a test tomorrow"
by Gothic Harley Quinn August 6, 2016
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that one friend or family member who keeps gifting people

mostly secretly and rarely publicly.

can also be someone who secretly gifts and says that the present is not from them.
santa could be a gifting pigeon.
by Gothic Harley Quinn November 30, 2016
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