35 definitions by Gohn Gardenza

A word which means "alright". It means "yes" and is a sign that you are happy with what the person has said. Can also be used in frustration. One of the best words in the english language. It is also used when one does not know what to say.
A"I'm going to the shops."


A"Shops are goody good good."
B"Oookayy."(said slowly)
by Gohn Gardenza May 20, 2007
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A person who manages to maintain a nerdy lifestyle, while remaining, hip, trendy and cool.
A: "I was considering upgrading my hard drive to 7, 200 RPM and coding some linux, but realised I had to leave for my date in 15 minutes, at my band's gig. "

by Gohn Gardenza June 16, 2009
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A game console which was never very popular, no games ever seemed to be released and it is quite embarrassing if you actually ever owned one.
A"Hey you wanna come over and play dreamcast?"

B"Dream what?"

B"You're joking right?"
by Gohn Gardenza May 20, 2007
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An extension of the acronym LIN which means laughing eternally. Lin lin torido is the ultimate form of lin, in which a small laugh may actually escape the person, as they go internally berserk with laughter. It is a way of expressing extreme internal laughter while still incorporating the popular expression of 'LIN'.
A:'Witch weigh' did you say?
B: BAHR, BAHR, lin lin torido!
by Gohn Gardenza August 13, 2008
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A small white car that can fit up to 10 passengers.
The name 'Cumbuggy' refers to the semen colour of the car and containment of its 'messengers' the sperm.
A: Yesterday I was riding in my cumbuggy .
B: What, you and your whole family.
by Gohn Gardenza January 27, 2008
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Acronym standing for "Men Fuck Milfs." 'Nuff said.
A: Damn, she's hot.
B: She's a mum.
A: Dude, MFM.
by Gohn Gardenza April 24, 2008
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Acronym meaning "Laughing internally."
Usually used when you don't think it's very funny.
A"Why'd the bubble gum cross the road?"
A"Because it was stuck to the chicken's foot!"

by Gohn Gardenza May 26, 2007
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