19 definitions by Giada D.

A proffessional hula hooper or a person with extraordinary and original hula hooping skills.
That hooper is awesome she has 25 hoops going at once spinning around her body.

Hooping is becoming a global tribe and performance-art form thanks to festivals like burning man.
by Giada D. August 13, 2009
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A stylish woman with a map who can help you find your way.

A woman who knows where she is going and how to get there.

A good woman to know and have in your life, especially if you are lost.

A woman who's map is not only geographical but also spiritual and esoteric, she may help you find your way geographically, spirtually and persoanlly.

A bossy navigator!

A cartographer and director not just in a geographical sense.
I am a proffessional navigatrix with my own home-made map.

It has taken me a lifetime of study and learning to become a navigatrix.

If you are lost then a navigatrix can help you find your way again.

The navigatrix took control and directed the group safely and smoothly to their destination.

The motley crew had been driving in circles and felt relieved when the saw a stylish navigatrix waiting at the busstop reading a map "Are you lost?" She said as they pulled over.
by Giada D. June 28, 2009
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Something creative made cheaply, independently or on a very low-budget.
Checkout my latest low-fi music video on youtube.

I've been playing around with a drum machine and some broken old toy instruments to create a very low-fi sound.

Low-fi means more inventiveness and less pressure.

I'm putting together a last minute low-fi multi-media gig for SXSW- you never know who might show up.
by Giada D. June 28, 2009
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A person who soaks-up popular culture like a sponge.

Absorbing trends and styles wherever you are then rinsing them out to keep only the things you really like.

Aesthetically aware and sensitive.
A cool-hunter is actually another name for a professional pop-culture sponge.

A pop-culture sponge, soaks up the styles and trends wherever he/she go.

When you pay attention to and absorb your surroundings from a cultural point of view you are literally a pop-culture sponge...just make sure you digest and wring out the things you dont need and dont want to keep.
by Giada D. June 28, 2009
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Did you see what the same samer wore for halloween this year?

I can't believe i trusted her with my ideas...she's gone and done a same samer on me after all!
by Giada D. March 5, 2007
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Collectible, nostalgia inducing products, artworks or people.
At some point mass produced and at a later point rising in value and sentimentality.
Souvenires, paraphernalia and memorabilia.
written off as junk by the untrained eye. Appreciated as naive and beautiful by those wityh a discerning eye and a refined sense of aesthetic.
The artwork of Jeff Koons, David La Chappelee and Pierre et Gilles is so Kitsch!

Essentially anything collectible is Kitsch.

At first glance this may seem like a pile of junk, but it is actually a large collection of collectibles and kitsch which people will probably pay a lot of money for on ebay.
by Giada D. March 5, 2007
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Wonderful! in German but works well when stated in english speaking countries too.
You got the job??? How Wunderbar!

My record just reached number one in the charts this news is unbelieveably wunderbar!!!
by Giada D. March 5, 2007
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