7 definitions by Genious817adam

When you're laughing and bowling at one time.
She thought I was loling but I sho dinn't have no mother fucKn ball in my hand
by Genious817adam August 2, 2019
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The piece of skin that connects your lip to your nose.
Emily said that my naint made her pussy wet, just watching me talk.
by Genious817adam August 5, 2019
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A lesbian that not only eats pussy, but also eats Frito's at the same time
by Genious817adam May 15, 2019
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A female whose brain functions at a bit of a primitive pace, with the exception of her thoughts bout takin the dick, she is up to times on that subject.
I tell you what. ....that Emily has some quirky ways bout her, but her being a slutty neanderthal has had its advantages. ...she makes me do things i been scared to ask other girls to try
by Genious817adam November 8, 2019
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A cemale human who s

patch is .much bigger than her butt
Omv did you see the size of her frupa?
by Genious817adam February 15, 2021
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A cemale human who s

patch is .much bigger than her butt
Omv did you see the size of her frupa?
by Genious817adam February 15, 2021
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A bag used by young people that go to church to keep their Bibles and notes in
There are No packbacks allowed in our store, we are Muslim
by Genious817adam March 17, 2019
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