4 definitions by Gan

Assman is a man that does ass surgery like off saving Silverman. He is generally the best stroy tellers you will ever meet in ur entire life.
Watch Seinfeild
by Gan August 8, 2003
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a list of addresses or names on a computerised mail system, particularly on usenet. when a mail (or post) is recieved and the sender is on the list the mail is automatically deleted or 'killed'. for a laf see the google on the killfile fairy.
"I have never felt quite so creeped out by a person, either virtual or real. People have been correctly pinning his obsessive and vindicative nature for along time. I just thought it was regular flame fodder - grist for the mill. But I was wrong. Oh, was I wrong.
In light of the recent phone threats I received today. I am imposing a black ban on no need to get personal. He is certifiably obsessed to the point of harassment and I ask that people maintain an effective wall of silence,
or similarity killfile the weasel."
by Gan October 2, 2003
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A "Turd Bugular is a person who breaks into someone eles home and breaks or steals all of their shit and procedes to do the person in the ass after he does this and then leaves once he is done with the but rapping.
Someon brok into Bob's house and stole everything he had and before leaving was dond in the ass. True story
by Gan May 18, 2003
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b00kgani is a very hot discord polish man that pulls all egirls
b00kgani is very handsome
by Gan February 27, 2022
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