2 definitions by GPq

(n): A person who is so blinded by narcissism that he or she believes the damage they cause is actually art.

(v): To vandalize, especially a national park.

Source: Casey Nocket, who hikes into national parks, paints over natural features with acrylic paint, and then post photographs of her actions with pride.
Example 1:
Hiker: Wow, this canyon sure is beautiful

Douchebag: Yeah, I think I'll paint a face on that wall over there.

Hiker: Dude, don't be a nocket!

Example 2:
"Hey, hold my backpack while I nocket those rocks."
by GPq October 24, 2014
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A phrase used to end an argument when you know that you are right but the other person will not accept that they are wrong.
Galileo: "The earth goes around the sun."

Pope: "No, the sun goes around the earth."

Galileo: "Seriously, look at..."

Pope: "STFU! The sun goes around the earth."

Galileo: "You may be right."
by GPq February 1, 2011
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