4 definitions by Fopp

Short for "Masturbation Session". Name given for the time spent masturbating.
I felt like shit all day, but then I had a sick 'bate sesh and it made everything better. Asians rule.
by Fopp November 23, 2004
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A circle marijuana smokers. Whatever that's being smoked (joint, pipe...) is being passed around the ring of people.
Hey Bob, would you like to get high and join the token ring planned at my house? 8 o' clock, be there or be square!
by Fopp November 23, 2004
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A phone, especially a cell-phone. Usually used to find out where the gig is at. Originated in Montclair, New Jersey.
Yo, I'm gonna get on the horn and find out where the gig is at.
by Fopp November 21, 2004
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When someone clocks his/her opponent on the head (up top) really early in the fight.
Yo, if you don't stop fuckin' wit me I'll go up top early son!
by Fopp November 21, 2004
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