44 definitions by FlyAway


When the fore skin of a penis has been cut off
by FlyAway July 21, 2011
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A name is something you are given after birth, its what you are called, specify. Some people have middle names because if they dont like their first name, they can use their middle name. People can also change their names when they get older if they would like.
Girl 1: "I think its stupid when people get a tattoo of their own name on themselves, and when they tattoo a guys name."
by FlyAway July 21, 2011
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Cambo is NOT an offensive term for Cambodian, it is just a short term for calling someone who is Cambodian.
I am Cambo Fresh.
by FlyAway February 27, 2012
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Cambo is NOT an offensive term for Cambodians. It is just a short term for someone who is Cambodian.
I want that CamboFresh t-shirt from www.cambofresh.com
by FlyAway March 3, 2012
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A short way of the word Asian that nobody uses anymore.
Back in the days we would have ghetto Asian screen names like: AzNsHaWdY, AzNmiLkShAkEstA, aZnbaByGuH, LiLaZnKhMaISHaWdY, LiLaznChiiick, BabyAZNperSuAsIaN...i miss those days.
by FlyAway July 20, 2011
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snaps on the petro

A-Wax: "who got some snaps on the petro? Slangin all that shit in the hood and yall aint got no mutherfuckin money."
by FlyAway July 20, 2011
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The dopest R&B group that consists of two sets of brothers DeVante and Dalvin and K-Ci and JoJo.
Love you for life by JoDeCi is my wedding song!
by FlyAway July 18, 2011
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