12 definitions by Fatboy

being worse then bull shit.
Situation: Dealer pulls a 21 when you have a 20.

Response: "This is horse shit!"
by Fatboy October 31, 2003
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very long and very thick side burns
(if some1 has these u can also call the petting zoo)
nealy and liz have muttenchops and they are petting zoo's
by Fatboy January 26, 2003
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A scandal of humorous proportions, often resulting in mass ridicule or hysteria on internet forums. Taken from the Watergate scandal, and several instances of lol, lolzies and sometimes along the lines of lmao.
"When ron accidentally showed his groin on webcam there was an 80 page lollergate scandal!"
by Fatboy November 18, 2003
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Originated from Oliver White esg. Un the fatboy.
I ouse like your mum. NOT
by Fatboy April 11, 2004
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