4 definitions by EmoTeen52

A black person who can't follow the damn train and is garbage at driving cars and bikes.
Also knows to fly an airplane without going to flight school
1. Move it CJ you're embarrassing us nigga!
2. You're just a liability CJ!
by EmoTeen52 August 9, 2019
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An irresistible feeling of wanting to screw a fictional character or someone in real life.
P1 : I have an itch right now.
P2 : Bruh scratch it!
P1 : K I'm going to pornhub
P2 : Bruh what!?
by EmoTeen52 March 11, 2020
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A type of running technique used by ninjas to move faster where they pull their arms back and lean forward to run
by EmoTeen52 August 10, 2019
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A Mexican the instrument of death used by latin mothers to beat their children's asses when they are misbehaving or not following orders
Mother : how dare you disrespect me *pulls out la chancla*
Child : ah shit here we go again
by EmoTeen52 August 31, 2019
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