2 definitions by Elouise Hampton

The most backward, country assed redneck place in the history of the universe, followed closely by Indiana and West Virginia and Tuscaloosa, Alabammer.
My cousin is from Goathump Holler, Kentucky and he's rat purty. I bet he's got a least four teeth.
by Elouise Hampton September 4, 2007
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Redneck Craphole USA. Probably the most backward town on earth and home to the world's largest high school. Students love to holler, "rrrrrrrrrrrowwwwwwwwwww tah. ROW!"

The locals do a lot of drinking and worship an old cornball drunk from Moro(n) Bottom, Arkansas who flunked out of Podunk High School but was still admitted to Bammer.
We might be dumbern possum shit out here in Tuscaloosa, but we got tway-uv, kant um tway-uv true to life national champion chips!
by Elouise Hampton September 4, 2007
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