202 definitions by Dude

hi im anti i have no cock kill me hahaha i nver stfu i shud by shot im te biggest noob at ffr hahahahaha
by Dude February 1, 2004
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a high status male who makes dating lots of women a game. but the best players don't hide the fact they are having sexual relations with lots of women. because a true player realises that women are attracted to guys that already have lots of women attracted to him. the way you guys talk about the poor women who get played by jerks obviously haven't figured that out and these guys usuallly wind up in the friendship category with women.....
by Dude January 21, 2004
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Paul, a hillbilly, is the village idiot. His IQ must be 88, at most.
by Dude October 12, 2003
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a funny word used to describe people. because it sounds funny should be used as much as possible
man, that guy is such a damn pinkle!
by Dude May 19, 2003
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A gay man who is Flammer, but saying it in code so that a fight won't break out
Yo Juan and T Bag r be homoflexs
by Dude March 24, 2005
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To call a person a flamming fag, by meaning he is showing how gay he is. like flexing your muscles, he is showinghow gay he is.
Yo man Juan and Tom r being homoflexs
by Dude March 24, 2005
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a complete waste of space. utter tosser. useless twat. a gay fag. the kind of person that joins a group and wants to own it a week later. see tard...
Trong can lick my fuzzy nutsaq
by Dude April 10, 2003
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