4 definitions by Dreudian

Code 1000 is a mutual unconditional agreement between 2 or more people to preserve the secrecy of something, or to to speak the full undesclosed truth based on the the health and continued well being of one's family and loved ones.
"Hey Frank I want to show you something but code 1000, you can't tell anyone."
by Dreudian December 17, 2016
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Fitzpatrick skin tribes are broken into 3 sections, tribe 1, tribe 2, and tribe 3. Since there are 6 skin tones within the Fitzpatrick scale, type 1 and 2 skin tones fall into tribe 1. Type 3 and 4 skin tones fall into tribe 2. Type 5 and 6 skin tones fall into tribe 3.
I would fit into Fitzpatrick skin tribe 2 because my skin tone is type 3.
by Dreudian July 5, 2023
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A nonsensical degree of bullshit that doesn't even apply in hell.
The Karen walked up to the car and started spewing all sorts of hell bent bullshit.
by Dreudian April 14, 2023
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A person who's degree of lunacy requires a special elevator key to access the asylum floor that they reside on.
The Joker's madness is so intense that he is considered an elevator key crazy due to the special asylum floor that is required to contain him.
by Dreudian February 9, 2023
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