7 definitions by Dr. Zauis

"Drill Down" is a term used by computer systems people to describe the act of clicking with a computer mouse down through several levels of folders or drop-down menus to reach a specific file, application or folder etc.

The term is often used during instruction by hip sounding computer techs and quasi- computer instructors at computer program workshops. The term is especially popular amongst university types.
Jeff from Systems: "OK to reach the K drive you'll need to "Drill Down" from your desktop and double click on the K drive icon.
by Dr. Zauis March 13, 2010
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This is an abnormal mental condition in a person characterized by an inflated or irrational fear of catching disease. People who go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from catching disease are said to be "germaphobic" .

Examples include:

1)Using paper towels to turn off taps and open doors in bathrooms.
2)Avoiding finger food that is placed in communal serving dishes e.g. potato chips.
3)Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer after shaking hands or simply refusing to shake hand with others.

People who suffer from OCD are often germaphobic and in slang are said to be Germaphobes.
Person 1: "Wow! that Bill guy is totally germaphobic. After I shook hands with him he had to completely disinfect his hands with hand sanitizer! What up with that?"
by Dr. Zauis March 13, 2010
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A euphemistic phrase often used by public relations types in an attempt to let you down gently.
We're phoning to let you know that you were not the successful candidate for the job. We found someone who was a "better fit" for the position.
by Dr. Zauis July 22, 2009
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Type of woman's foot wear worn mostly by younger woman in Westernized countries. Often made of sheep skin and wool, these poorly designed boots lack in proper arch and foot support. The wearer of the boot can often be seen walking not on the sole of the boot but rather on the actual side of the boot itself. This leads to a condition characterized by worn out, wet and ugly boots. Hence the name "Ugg boots".
Hey Kayla, great Ugg boots! Oh by the way, did you realize you are not actually walking on the sole of your boots and your Uggs are getting totally trashed?
by Dr. Zauis March 12, 2010
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This is a phrase often used by managers and human-resources personnel to describe a break in the work day set aside for food and drink. Rather that using the colloquial terms "coffee break" and "lunch", this phrase will often be invoked in an attempt to sound politically correct , educated and sophisticated. The phrase is most often used at work shops, meetings, seminars and focus groups hosted by public-sector organizations such as Universities.
Johnathan from HR:

"OK people, we are now going to take 15 minutes for a nutritional break. Please help yourself to coffee and muffins located at the back of the seminar room."
by Dr. Zauis March 13, 2010
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The term "unpack" is often used by upwardly mobile managers in large public institutions such as libraries or academia. This "buzzword" is often used in a pseudo-intellectual fashion to describe the act of analyzing or looking closely at some topic, policy or procedure . Unpack shares some similarities in meaning with the term "drill down".
Manager: " I'm going to be passing around a copy of the new strategic plan for our institution. Over the next hour we will unpack this document and discuss it's implications for the future of the organization.
by Dr. Zauis May 26, 2019
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This is one of the Legacy media's current buzz phrases circa 2022. It is usually part of the headline of a news story. It is meant to grab your attention with its imperative "YOU NEED TO KNOW". It is unclear what will happen if you don't know about the subject in question, however, the phrase compels the reader explore further.
Thinking about going outside today? Here's what you need to know.
by Dr. Zauis November 25, 2022
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