1186 definitions by Dr Bunnygirl

Anything Trump does that’s something he has historically done such as tap corrupt world leaders to help him win another election.
Well, some typical examples of Classic Trump behavior are blatantly stated love affairs with murderous dictators, running roughshod over emoluments clauses and grabbing and poking expensive pussy that he has his attorney-fixer pay for and then spend extensive jail time for.
by Dr Bunnygirl October 9, 2019
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The tendency to reduce everything into its own little overly simplified box.
To handle vast amounts of information, folks often resort to boxification in lieu of thinking.
by Dr Bunnygirl December 23, 2018
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An early nickname for 45 before we all understood exactly what this really means.
When he was first elected, some saw the outsider president as America’s hope; this was before it was known that his election was funded by the Kremlin.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 9, 2019
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An expression used by impaired drunkards everywhere.
Cock my suck,” he slurred as he fell face forward onto the sidewalk.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 23, 2019
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The capacity to keep doing something difficult by imagining you’ll get that carrot eventually.
Most who are working in a job they despise have some degree of carrot mind going on.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 26, 2019
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When your pants slowly become sucked into the crevice between your ass cheeks as you’re walking, eventually actually fully disappearing into the anal cavity until you are naked from the waist down.
I was actually horrified enough when I had experienced just regular puckerpants, but when I later endured the tragic megapuckerpants, I had been out to dinner with my in-laws and felt that I wanted to practically die from the humiliation!
by Dr Bunnygirl October 9, 2019
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When you purposely wear a pair of low-rider jeans so tight so that you have to pull your glutes up and out, arranging or fluffing them into position.
That perfect muffin top look is the result of some expert muffin fluffin’, I am sure!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 8, 2020
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