4 definitions by Down10

Professional Wrestling; pre-scripted "sports-entertainment" from the likes of the WWE, et al. The male equivalent of a soap opera.
This week's Sweat Opera: The Hulkster returns from retirement to continue his feud with Triple H, or whoever the hell it is this time.
by Down10 July 2, 2005
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Freeform word game.

Among Surrealist techniques exploiting the mystique of accident was a kind of collective collage of words or images called the cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse). Based on an old parlor game, it was played by several people, each of whom would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal part of it, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution.

The technique got its name from results obtained in initial playing, "Le cadavre exquis boira le vin nouveau" (The exquisite corpse will drink the young wine). Other examples are: "The dormitory of friable little girls puts the odious box right" and "The Senegal oyster will eat the tricolor bread." These poetic fragments were felt to reveal what Nicolas Calas characterized as the "unconscious reality in the personality of the group" resulting from a process of what Ernst called "mental contagion."

--from ExquisiteCorpse.com
We were bored at the coffee shop, so we made an exquisite corpse.
by Down10 June 18, 2004
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Contrary to its recent misuse as a euphemism for audacity or courage, to have "brass balls" actually means to drive a hard bargain and to refuse to sell for less than what you ask for.

The term dates back to the days when pawn shop brokers would traditionally hang three brass balls outside their shop doors to indicate their services.
You mean to tell me that this guitar is only worth $15? You've got some real brass balls on you!
by Down10 March 7, 2007
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A sexually-attractive female newsanchor or reporter on TV. Amount of "babe"-itude is often increased by the heavy amount of makeup, lipstick and teased hair used to attract viewers. Often used as a derisive symbol of the shallowness of TV news, or else as the objects of desire by salivating male viewers.
I know that she's telling us how hundreds of people are being held hostage in the Middle East, but I just can't get past that newsbabe's full, pouting lips and sparkling white teeth.
by Down10 April 23, 2006
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