14 definitions by Dovetchka

proper n. An excellent television series adapted from the works of canadian novelist Lucy Maud Montgomery (of Anne of Green Gables fame). Expertly produced by Kevin Sullivan, Avonlea follows the lives of turn-of-the-century famillies living on beautiful Prince Edward Island, or PEI.

The series stands out for its beautiful scenery and sets, authentic costumes, well-devised plotlines, excellent acting and evocative themes. The overall quality of the production brings to mind Merchant/Ivory costume dramas.

Most Americans familliar with the series watched it on The Disney Channel, which used to carry it weekly. It should also be noted that this is the show on which actress Sarah Polley (Dawn of the Dead remake, Go!) played her first important role, as the impetuous Sarah Stanley.

Unfortunately, this beautiful drama has faded into obsqureity, now remembered only by die-hard Green Gables fans.
Avonlea was probably the best period drama ever produced, rivaling even Little House on The Prarie, and I hereby record its greatness for posterity's sake.
by Dovetchka December 25, 2005
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A genre-transcending band one must actually hear to fully appreciate. Like a runaway train engineered by ragtag poets overfond of spinning literary anachronisms into exultant ballads.
Pure joy.
Have you heard of The Decemberists?
Their music makes my nipples hard.
They are that good.
by Dovetchka December 23, 2005
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An female of decidedly overwrought, emo or gothic tendancies.

Refers to the tragic heroine of Shakespearian fame who commited suicide due to her unrequited love for Hamlet.
Since he dumped her she's been shut up in her room listening to The Smiths all day. She's such an Ophelia.
by Dovetchka December 23, 2005
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A derogatory pun for FOX News, the 24 hour cable network which ushered in the age of shouting head pseudo-journalism.

See also faux
FAUX News: We Distort, You Comply
by Dovetchka December 24, 2005
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n. or adj. An amalgam of faux and goth, used to describe the latest generation of youngsters who identify themselves and certain bands as gothic, even though they are really nothing of the sort according to the oldschool sensibilities of the subculture, which has been co-opted by commercialism and completely bastardized.

other pertinent terms and examples: goff, goffic, emo, being 'scene', Hot Topic, mall punk, My Chemical Romance, The Used
I was in the mall today and couldn't help but notice the gauxth kiddies swarming all over Hot Topic. They were all born sometime after 1984 and have never heard of Bauhaus.
by Dovetchka December 26, 2005
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A fortunate unforseen circumstance. An unexpected perk as a result of any given chain of events.
An obvious melding of the words fortunate + unforseen + circumstance.

This word originated as a forcumstantial product of a slip of the tounge by a friend attempting to say "Fortunate unforseen circumstance".

Its obvious poetry, and the way it trips lightly off the tounge make it a forcumstantial addition to any cutting edge lexicon or meme cache.
She was a fan of 70's zombie movies, and through luck and forcumstance, met a guy who was into Romero films.
by Dovetchka December 23, 2005
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An amusing term which appears so ubiquitously in various film adaptations of Jane Austin novels that it really should enter the public lexicon as a bit of tounge-in-cheek banter mocking the stilted, formal manner of speech common during the Regency period.
Chick: Dude, this party is great and all, but I've been sitting on this couch so long that my leg is falling asleep.
Dude: Shall we take a turn about the room?"
by Dovetchka December 22, 2005
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