4 definitions by DontTaseMeBro

It's when you are given an award, that you cannot accept because you are already DEAD.
This man died an honorable death, he will be awarded with a medal for it posthumosly.
by DontTaseMeBro March 4, 2012
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v. - to perform an action to an extreme degree, whether positive or negative

adj. - defining something that is extreme, or an action performed to the extreme (gangdandrieled), whether positive or negative

n. - one who performs actions to the extreme, or one who embodies and extreme degree of a specific quality, whether positive or negative
My gangdandriel friend Trevor just gangdandrieled the shit of that kickball! What a gangdandriel!
by DontTaseMeBro July 18, 2008
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Because when you are like 6'7" and like 270, you need a seperate class of goods and services in order to sustain life.
Hey bro, can I get 2 of those? But make one of 'em Roundy-sized for the big fella over here.
by DontTaseMeBro July 11, 2008
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The act of flirting by way of posting suggestive updates on Twitter.
Brian: Ever since I started following her on Twitter, Ashley has totally been twirting with me, saying how much she enjoys my updates late at night and saying we should hang out. I think we'll probably hook up.
Jake: Boom tho!
by DontTaseMeBro November 12, 2008
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