11 definitions by Distractor in Chief

A phrase commonly used by two friends to refer to stating the obvious. This often occurs when they’ve discussed intensely personal matters over text but haven’t said shit to each other in person apart from x equalling 13.
Or just a genuine genius observation.
Gamer Girl:*stares*

Genius Boy: *stares*
*more staring*

Gamer boy: Water is wet! Wet water

*basks in glory*
by Distractor in Chief March 31, 2021
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What a very modest boy should do.
Friend: How are you? (cares, actually)
Friend: good just tired (for whateverty-seventh and a hundred time)
Friend: Get more sleep dude it’s like the characters in Darkest Dungeon. Take care of yourself

Friend: No

*muffled cursing, yeeting of persons into better habits*
by Distractor in Chief March 31, 2021
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A Cliff is a very buff lad who drives a taxi.

Nonexistent on the basis that he is a.) invented by the coiner of Konneor and b.) Ella’s supposed soulmate. (See Clella )

He is both unintelligent and drinks too much coffee.
He’s such a Cliff.
by Distractor in Chief December 31, 2021
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I quote directly:

“His voice is weird and he’s always like
All of these other believably flaw (Ed) people are FUCKING BITCHES”
I hate Chaos soooo much

Stupid cosmic fuckwit.
by Distractor in Chief March 31, 2021
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Cheesy yet original alternative to Lady. Often used ironically yet endearingly among intelligent friends.
“You’re so cheesy. Like, grand high cheesy lord.” “Well you’re the cheesy lordess.”
by Distractor in Chief December 2, 2020
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A predicted relationship that may or may not occur. Commonly recognized as the union of a Cliff and an Ella.
Ew I don’t ship Clella.

No, Clella is destiny.
by Distractor in Chief January 1, 2021
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A really cool guy with nice guitar skills and a weird aversion to pineapple pizza. Loyal to his friends, funny, and snarky in just the right doses.
Girl: Look at that hot guy!

Other girl: Yeah I know him (*major flex moment*) That’s Zephan. He says someone got impaled on a statue and clearly knows how to dance, he’s so cultured

Girl: Bro what a fuckin legend

Other girl: Damn right
by Distractor in Chief October 8, 2021
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