20 definitions by Didaskalos

In response to the "Bethany Mandel, Conservative author, struggles to define WOKE" issue of 3/23,
I commented on Christopher Rufo's 4/26/2023 video
"The Assault on Sexual “Normativity” Is an Assault on the Basic Structure of Reality"
WOKE = Will Only Kriticize Europe.
8:30 CR understands WOKE as James Lindsay does. JL: "Communism doesn't know how." "Ruthless criticism of all that exists." CR: "It functions almost entirely on the process of negation." and he then proceeds to throb with commie-wrecker energy.
But his formulations for WOKE, while accurate, aren't as short and snappy as mine. ;)
There was a need, a few weeks ago, for a SHORT & SNAPPY definition of WOKE.

Here's one to take & run with!
"Only" to be taken in many senses.
Woke will never criticize non-European cultures; Woke will never be able to do anything by itself.
by Didaskalos April 26, 2023
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Context: not all pedophiles ("boy-lovers") just let their fantasies run away with them. Some are working to try to get beyond their hang-ups and help others to as well. Following the tradition of cognitive therapy, and in order to POUNCE ON, IDENTIFY and CONTROL those runaway moments by using irony and satire, the following vocabulary item was created and offered to the community by "Didaskalos."

Official motto of the website:

BoyChat: You are not alone.


Ah, cry; a looney-tune taboo.

Ahoy! Let no cub too near ya.

Yeah, no blue cartoon a toy.

So, "Watching Blue Cartoons" is my new pet phrase for both:

A) reading & posting at BoyChat; cuz the background is baby-boy BLUE, gettit?

B) projecting needs & dreams & whatnot onto some boy.
E.g., "Former poster Dr. Adam Selene has not been Watching Blue Cartoons with us for a while."

But I gotta stop working on anagrams; I just "heard" a boy three blocks down crying because he had to go to bed. I better put on my BLUE CARTOON cape, swing into action, and FIX THAT BOY-DRAMA!!!!


The new 16-year old lifeguard dudes at the pool this summer are pretty handsome, I'm glad to say. Was that one with the earrings coming on to me, or am I just Watching Blue Cartoons again?

by Didaskalos May 31, 2007
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This is literally true. In law, kids are legally "infans," that is, they have no voice, and the idea that "the kid said he wanted it!" is no excuse for sex-crimes against children.
Riffing on Billboard Chris's "Kids can not consent to Puberty Blockers,"
and the San Francisco choir singing "We're coming for your children! / We'll convert your children." (#WCYC)
A slogan meant to position the sloganeer against #Pedoschwing2025.
Unless it's being used ironically, in which cases it's meant to accelerate #Pedoschwing2025, under the idea that ALL discussion of pedophilia moves towards normalizing it.
But the presence of the ironic dimension doesn't at all undercut the validity of the plain and simple surface meaning;
on the surface, it's a sentiment that can't be argued with.

To be understood as operating in the same ironic poly-valent space as the Heideggerian term:

#LGBTQΠπ (which term to be written sous-rature, crossed out --- this browser isn't showing that.)

This term COMPLETES the mega-acronym, in accordance with Dr. James Cantor's famous 2018 "include the P!" tweet, but wittier, because Greek Π/π suggests (celibate) Greek MAN/boy relationships, as practiced by those who've read the Phaedros.

It also rejects/denies/opposes paederasty;
It also looks forward to a process of NORMAL male identity formation, which incorporates ( but is not bogged down in) the moments of Great Mother (Trans) obsession and Great Father (homosexual) obsession.
In the face of over-blown propaganda from both sides, like PRO-TRANS! CUT THE KIDS' BALLS OFF! and KILL THE PEDOS! sometimes it's nice to be out there picketing with a sign saying something nice and relaxing, that everyone can agree with.
<<heavily ironic chilled-out San Diego sigh.>>
So there I am in Balboa Park, in the middle of July, PRIDE 2023 going on around me, wearing a sandwich board saying #KidscannotconsenttoPedophilia" on one side and #LGBTQΠπ (crossed out!) on the other.
by Didaskalos July 30, 2023
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The Chicago Hot Dog is a fake sexual act unique to Chicago and its elevated train system.
The Chicago Hot Dog consists of a man receiving oral sex while standing with his back to a pillar of the L-train, and timing his orgasm to coincide with a train going past overhead, thunderously. The skill required to do this -- and sexual pay-off -- are enormous.
On my last company trip to Chicago I totally failed to close the business deal, but hey, I got a really nice Chicago Hot Dog at midnight, so I didn't go to bed mad.
by Didaskalos January 25, 2021
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After decisive losses in the battles over Gay Marriage and Trans Rights, there has recently (from about 2020) been a gloomy awareness among conservatives that "in about five years" they will have also lost the battle against pedophilia. The first clear sign of this will be a disallowing of anti-pedo rhetoric -- as the last acceptable form of "hate-speech" -- on all respectable social platforms, particularly if it's couched in Biblical terms. . Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Blair White, and many other conservative commenters see clearly that "the battle to prevent the battle" was decisively lost during the period between Cantor's INCLUDE THE P tweet (12/8/18) and the flaccid outrage over Dr. Allyn Walker's book, A Long, Dark Shadow (11/21-1/22). In the early years of the 2020's, the battle; in 2025 or so, a crisis and turning-point I call #pedoschwing2025; in the later years of the decade, boys will be as keen to appear on talk-shows with their "pedagogues" as boys are now to talk about their "drag families." Bougie families will DEMAND that their sons have high-powered tutors with social connections and SAT-acing prowess, just like Timothy Chalamet and Army Hammer in Call me by your name, only with Timothy being in middle-school. Indeed the whole coming decade might be characterized as the pedo-2020's, as the long-repressed, BLUE MIST powered, boy-loving forces emerge to do battle with the excesses of PINK MIST-driven trans-culture of the previous decade.
Wow, looks like the whole Daily Wire team (Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles) is 100% on-message with #PedoSchwing2025. That refrain of "In about five years . . . " echos throughout their broadcasts, every time they talk about 2nd grade boys in dresses, Drag Queen Story Hour, Save James, I am Jazz, Walsh's anti-trans satirical children's book Johnny the Walrus, etc. Not even Boy-Lovers themselves are that optimistic! Blair White, now, I can never tell whether she's trying to stoke the anti-pedo rage with her #PedoSchwing2025 posts, or let it burn itself out.
by Didaskalos January 28, 2022
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When dudes show up in Watertown WI in black shirts, masks, matching khaki pants, black flags with swastikas, and chant "Blood blood blood!" "US or the PEDOPHILES!" "NO PEDOS ON OUR STREETS!" it's clear that they're EITHER federal agents tasked with Harvesting the Hate, and letting a thousand Anti-Pedo flowers bloom, OR organic and sincere community-based activists, who just happen to find public discussion of pedophilia exciting.
Calling them #Fedophiles is annoying either way.
If they're FEDS, they're annoyed at being exposed as such.
If they're grassroots activists, they're annoyed at being described as government toys, NPC's.
When the #Fedophiles showed up in Watertown, WI, the witty response would have been to counter-chat at them:
Blood blood blood?


Harvest the Hate!
Harvest the Hate!
Hatin' on PEDOS makes the COUNT-TREE GREAT!

. . . this done in a heavily ironic, heartily affectionate tone, to reflect the understanding that the first step in coming out as a boy-lover, is processing the internal pedo-phobia by doing a lot of external #pedotoileting.
by Didaskalos July 30, 2023
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