10 definitions by Denny Tang

The #3 wordTang Fan/word in the world.
Wow I'm so jealous! Channie's Tang Fan #3 and I'm only Tang Fan #1294253?
by Denny Tang February 11, 2003
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A platform extending horizontally from one side of a ship to the other.

A platform or surface likened to a ship's deck.
A roofless, floored structure, typically with a railing, that adjoins a house.
The roadway of a bridge or an elevated freeway.

A pack of playing cards.
A group of data processing cards.
A tape deck.
Slang. A packet of drugs called narcotics.
6. A term describing how one gets beaten down to the ground used by wannabe hardcores. This action usually occurs with people who have no life and are suffering from obsessive complusive disorder that makes them sensitive in an aggressive manner.
Joe decked that boy just because the boy stole Joe's pokemon card.
by Denny Tang February 12, 2003
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A one-word-sentence used to say bye to a lover without letting the lover know that the speaker doesn't like him.
Person1: blah blah blah la de da. I have to go now cya!
Person2: okluvya
by Denny Tang February 9, 2003
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A wannabe hardcore style of saying "yo mama" typically used on lame "yo mama" jokes.
j0 mama so fat she's almost as fat as me!
by Denny Tang February 10, 2003
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