4 definitions by Denkx

Atrocity of a novel worst novel over, it's so mediocre can't believe the legendary writer who wrote works such as monogatari series and medaka box made this,worst thing ever
Person 1:Hey have you read zaregoto?
Person 2: Yeah Just finished reading it currently lost for words man. Crying real tears.This is quite possibly,quite literally, sincerely,the worst possible ln I have ever played,My eyes are dripping with blood. currently on my way to the emergency room
by Denkx November 21, 2021
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The best person alive

Literally a living legend
Facts spitter
Hi konceng I love you
by Denkx November 24, 2021
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denkx is an Instagram anime meme page has goated content the person behing the account has great comebacks and everything he says is a fact
hey did you saw denkx's new post

yah it was goated as always
by Denkx February 23, 2021
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