5 definitions by Davo A.

An elite action that is attempted to be carried out, but fails. Usually associated with trying to be the best at a video game, and failing. Select (a Korean video game champ), is immune to Lazer-Flopping.
"Looks like another Lazer-Flop, folks"
by Davo A. February 7, 2007
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When someone with Castenitis and a JapStamos team up for a game of Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War, they engage in the age-old tradition of the "Jap-Jew-Mega-Battle". This is where they play online games of Warhammer 40,000 together, usually against a noob. A loss is very rare, and usually the opponent is crushed.
"Hey, you want to join me online for a Jap-Jew-Mega-Battle?"
by Davo A. February 7, 2007
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A disease that transforms you into a North American Yeti. A North American Yeti is a harry all over except for the head, which is bald. They live in North America (duh!) and really like the Chicago Bears. They also argue a lot, and are ill tempered. They have bad manners, and will closeline you as well if they get angry, using their over developed forearms.
"Damn, I got Castenitis, there goes my social lfe"

"Call National Geographic, I found someone with Castenitis"
by Davo A. February 7, 2007
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When you cross John Stamos with anybody of Japanese heritage, you get a JapStamos. Very different from a Romijn-Stamos, a JapStamos is more along the lines of a mythical creature with an asian accent, and a wicked nice ponytail. They also look Japanese of course!
"Did you see that Japanese dude with the cheesy mullet, what a JapStamos!"

by Davo A. February 7, 2007
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Michael Bay's new movie, Transformers, is often called "Bayformers". This is because his movies suck so bad, and people coined the phrase to make fun of Bay's upcoming crap-ola fest.
"This film has a lot more going for it so far than the upcoming Bayformers."

"Bayformers is Michael Bay's new CGI and live action film"
by Davo A. February 7, 2007
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