13 definitions by David Skeet Jr.

The Deuce Droppers were the enemies of the legendary Skeet Friends. The Deuce Droppers were a group of friends that went around town and took craps in public. They wanted to create as much havoc as they could, and get as many new members as they could. The Deuce Droppers were against ejaculating in public, and for Dropping Deuces in public. There mission was to paint the town with Feces.

The Deuce Droppers played an important part in the Skeet Saga. The founder and leader of the deuce droppers was Deputy Deuce, and Deucie Griffin. There were also many other characters in the Deuce Droppers. The Deuce Droppers fought the Skeet Friends on Mount Skeetmore (Originally called Mount Rushmore, but come on thats a gay name. However the Skeet Friends prevailed.
Deuce Droppers took S***** in public, and other than that they didnt do s*** (No pun intended...Mutha F*****).
by David Skeet Jr. May 4, 2008
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The Skeet Friends were the enemies of the legendary Deuce Droppers. The Skeet friends were a group of characters that masturbated and ejaculated in public to promote peace and ease species and racial tensions. They were against dropping deuces in public, as they thought it was dirty and it would stink up the place. Also it did not promote peace, just made people carry around doggy bags even when they had no dog and got them mad.

The Skeet Friends were the main part of the great Skeet Saga. They battled the Deuce Droppers on Mount SkeetMore and won in the end. The leader of the Skeet Friends was the great Skeet Magee. Skeet Gonzales was also a big part of it, it also included a lot of other characters.
If you like to masturbate and think skeeting is coo, you can be a part of the skeet friends too!!!
(This was a gay slogan made by the skeet friends in the 50s-70s)
by David Skeet Jr. May 4, 2008
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1. Any long act of ejaculating(skeeting) as in an orgy.

2. The Skeet Saga is the epic and legendary story of the Great Skeet Friends and all that was happening around them. Skeet Magee was the main part of this epic story. The saga includes everything from masturbating, skeeting, ejaculating , dropping deuces, crapping, feces, playing baseball, untying knots, racing, easing racial tensions, rodent love making, to seals raping penguins.

The Most Important event in the Skeet Saga is the battle of Mount SkeetMore. In the Saga there was an ongoing feud between the Deuce Droppers(bad) and the Skeet Friends(good). In the end the Skeet Friends prevailed and all was well, for at least 5 minutes. Deputy Deuce decided to be a D Bag and crapped on Skeety Gonzales as they left the mountain, needless to say Skeety was Td off. Other characters include: Sonic the Deucehog, the Deuce Runner, Winnie the pooh, Pikadeuce, Mr Hankey, Turd Sandwich, Giant Deuce, Ass Deuce'em, Skeetymon, Deucey McFinnigan, Skeetasaurus Rex, Skeetzilla, Spider Skeet, DeucerMan, Harry Pooper, Dumbledeuce, Frodo Skeetans, Gandolf the Skeet white, Doctor Octoskeetopus, Luke Skeetwalker, Darth Deucer, and of course Mel Gibson.
"I banged 6 girls last night all simultaneously, needless to say, it was the greatest Skeet Saga of my whole life"

The legendary skeet saga painted a town and Mount rushmore in feces, and semen. Needless to say, it was one fantastic time.
by David Skeet Jr. May 6, 2008
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1. A very pointless, unnecessary, and painful game: On a table are: a Large Rock (3+ pounds), New Extra-Coarse Sandpaper, and a large pair of Sharp Scissors. The game:

A Group of males sit around the table and masturbate in unison. "Rock...Paper...Scissors" is called out loud uniform to three pumps. At the end of the third pump a Rock, paper, or scissors hand gesture is made by each male, they must all be the same gesture in order to what gesture was made last 3 pumps (order rock, paper, scissors). If at anytime during the game a player uses a wrong hand gesture, that player loses and whatever hand gesture he used, he must use that object to harm his penis. If you ejaculate at any time during the game, you are disqualified. The object of the game is to last longer than any other player. You have to have good memory, or be a very early skeeter to play this game, or else you will leave with either a very deformed penis, or no penis at all. This game is much more unnecessary than soggy waffle.

If you lose: Either you will have to drop the huge rock directly on your penis. Or you will have to wrap Coarse sandpaper around it and masturbate with it. Or you will have to cut your meat off with the scissors.
(In the showers)
Frank: "Jimbo, what the hell happened to your penis? it looks like a dying slim jim!!!?"
Jimbo: "I played a game of Rock Paper Scissors...needless to say, I lost, got the sandpaper..."
by David Skeet Jr. May 2, 2008
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The act of skeet magee is to do something amazing by way of skeeting. Just like the famous Skeet Magee untied a gigantic knot by dropping huge skeet loads on it. He also hit a baseball 200 ft. with just one high powered skeet shot, anyone else who has tried this has been seriously injured (think about it, a baseball coming straight at ur meat at 70 mph...).

Skeet Magee was a famous kid who grew up in the 50s and 60s. Noone knows if the kid was real or just a legend. Skeet Magee is best known for ejaculating in public, he also untied a gigantic knot by dropping huge skeet loads on it to moisten it, he won a huge supply of pizza by untying it. The onlookers were amazed at the sheer size of his skeet loads. Skeet Magee also eased racism in the town by teaching the kids to ejaculate in public to promote peace. Skeet was not always accepted in the town, since ejaculating in public was unheard of in the 50s and 60s. He was insulted by a bully at school that told him "You dont know a cha cha from a waltz." apparently an insult at that time... Skeet Magee vanished in the late 60s. There has only been one alleged siting of him since then (he was the bum masturbating on the bus in a story told by Dave Chappelle, this has not been confirmed). Skeets' last words before leaving were "I came, I saw, I skeeted. I hope you will do the same"
Dave: "Did you see the new Superman movie?"
Farnsworth: "Nah man, what happened"
Dave: "Superman stopped a speeding bullet by skeeting on it"
Farnsworth: "....Yeah right..."
Dave: "LOL nah man I wish..."
Farnsworth: "Skeet Magee himself would have been proud of that lol"
by David Skeet Jr. March 12, 2008
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Speedy Gonzales, "the fastest mouse in all Mexico", is an animated cartoon mouse from the Warner Brothers Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of cartoons. Speedy's major traits are his ability to run extremely fast, and his comedic Mexican accent. He usually wears an oversized yellow sombrero, a white shirt and trousers, and a red ascot.

Speedy Gonzales is also brothers with the most famous Skeeter mouse of all time Skeety Gonzales. Skeety Gonzales was trained by the great Skeet Magee.
Nerd Kid: "Dude Speedy Gonzales would annihilate Sonic the Hedgehog in a race!"
Avg Nerd: "I dont know about that dude, but Speedy would pulverize the Road Runner in a race"
Nerd Kid: "And even if they were winning, Speedy would get his brother Skeety to skeet all over that hedgehog and bird until they were drowning in semen, then he would definitely win the race!"
Avg Nerd: "I didnt say all that..."
by David Skeet Jr. April 21, 2008
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