25 definitions by David Hawaii

Compound word: Ghost poopie + No wipe poopie

Also referred to as "G-No-Wipe-Poopie"

A ghost no wipe poopie refers to a situation where while engaging in defecation, one feels a dropping exit the anus and hears the incurring splash. However, upon wiping the sphincter, no remnants are visible upon the toilet paper (no wipe poopie). In addition, the droppings appear to be absent from the toilet (ghost poopie).

The result can be frantic forced recollection of whether or not the poopie actually existed. This could possibly extend into more serious psychosomatic disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, and, of course, defecation disorders.
Please seek immediate medical attention in the event of a ghost no wipe poopie as consequences are dire.
by David Hawaii April 25, 2007
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n. A quarrel occurring between two or more mokes. A potentially dangerous situation one should seek to avoid at all costs.
Holy crap is a moke fight!
by David Hawaii May 12, 2007
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The ability of characters in movies to wake up after a long night a drunken sex and have perfect makeup, fully made hair, clean skin, fresh breath, and flawless composure.

Can be observed in a great deal of movies, television series, and short films.
There is no way she could look like that after sex, it's just...NOT POSSIBLE!

Dude, calm down, it's not real, it's movie magic okay?
by David Hawaii May 26, 2007
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To return a wave to someone you think is waving at you, but is actually waving to the person behind you. Usually results in embarrassment and introversion.
Damn...I thought that girl was waving at me :(

by David Hawaii May 26, 2007
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(n.) A ridiculously retardedly high fee or expense.

feetards (pl.), feetarded (adj.), feetardedly (adv.)
Man, cover was thirty bucks!
Dude, what a feetardedly feetarded feetard
by David Hawaii April 25, 2007
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1. A common misspelling of the word "holy"
2. From, of, or related to a hole
3. Cute way of saying "hole"
1. Holey shit!
2. Holey shit!
3. Shit holey!
by David Hawaii May 8, 2007
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The painful cramping sensation felt after playing the guitar for an absurdly long time.
Damn, I got guitarthritis...but I can't stop!...Play on! Play on!
by David Hawaii May 28, 2007
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