11 definitions by Dat Dude

(n.) The Penis Man does not have a specific definition, but it can be used when describing a weird person or in most cases, Maxwell Ritz Cracker.
by Dat Dude February 6, 2005
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(v.) Synonym for "fuck off"... Most commonly used by Hayfield Secondary's Adam Stern
Max: Hey Adam do you want to hear my new rap?

Adam: (with blank look on his face) Screw off....
by Dat Dude February 1, 2005
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Uttered in a moment of pure stupidity, usually around two or three in the morning. Means, in simple english, "Suck My Penis Tonight You Rotten Sex Fiend."
Michael: "Dude, it's two in the damn mornin."
by Dat Dude June 11, 2004
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