4 definitions by Darioples

The name of a school in Vancouver that uses the ideals of Communism to run its daily life.
Person:Boy, do I love my Math class!
Teacher: If you love math, you must also love English.
Person: But I don't love English!
Teacher: Here at Commywood, everything is loved equally. I love English, and I love lamp as well.
Person: But this doesn't make much sense...
Teacher: Guards, take him away!
Person: noo....
by Darioples September 15, 2006
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Someone who uses Biology to get them ready to have sex with their partner.
Person1: Hey, you're turning me on!
Person2: But I'm just studying biology, and I don't even know you.
Person1: Let me help you study Sexual Reproduction.
Person2: Wait, you're just a Bio-Slut! Get away from me you creep.
by Darioples September 15, 2006
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Someone who has sex with another people merely download songs legally from Itunes.
Person1: Hey lets have sex.
Person2: How much do you want?
Person1: Just let me download some music from your Itunes acount.
Person2: No way you sick Ipod Whore!
by Darioples September 15, 2006
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Someone who is unable to communicate with another by means of actual communication and in turn only trys to have a relationship with people through a internet based chat.
Person1: My relationship with Jane is so akward, it's like she's avoiding me whenever i see her. But when i'm on msn, she starts chatting to me like crazy.
Person2: She's one of them Msn-Soul people. Stay away from them.
Person1: Wow, that's disgusting!
by Darioples September 20, 2006
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