7 definitions by Dann326

A play on the phrase "hard of hearing". Often said as "acting hard of understanding".

1. Pretending like one doesn't understand or feigning ignorance, especially if the topic is simple; disingenuous; goofy; playing dumb

2. A reproach for someone who completed a request either incompletely and incorrectly, usually out of laziness: especially if the task was simple or explained several times; stupid

3. A reproach for someone who is only half listening and giving inappropriate or no response

4. Hard-headed, stubborn
He acted hard of understanding when I asked him to bring in the groceries, only bringing in the bags in the front seat and pretending not to see those in the back seat.
by Dann326 June 10, 2019
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A play on the phrase "hard of hearing". Often said as "acting hard of understanding".

1. Pretending like one doesn't understand or feigning ignorance, especially if the topic is simple; disingenuous; goofy; playing dumb

2. A reproach for someone who completed a request either incompletely and incorrectly, usually out of laziness: especially if the task was simple or explained several times; stupid

3. A reproach for someone who is only half listening and giving inappropriate or no response

4. Hard-headed, stubborn
Joe was asked to bring in the groceries, he brought in those from the trunk but pretended not to see those in the back seat. Joe claimed he didn't think those where meant to be brought in to which Sara accused him of being hard of understanding.
by Dann326 June 10, 2019
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Definition #1: When a person is feeling the song and dancing either vigorously or in a high intensity choreographed routine. The skill with which the person is dancing is usually unexpected.

Definition #2: The part of a song that has been remixed. Also known as the beat dropping.

Definition #3: The climax or ending part of any song where the beat or instrumental speed increases and the rhythm becomes intense.
*Hip hop remix comes on and white girl starts dancing*
Black person: "Dang, look at that white girl breaking it down!"
by Dann326 June 10, 2019
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A Southern expression typically used as an exclamation to show mild exasperation, frustration, surprise or bemusement towards an egregious situation. The phrase with the closest similar meaning is "Oh Lord!".
Lisa: "Did you hear about the scandalous thing Clara did? She..."
Sally: ~shakes head and purses lips ~ " Yes indeed..."
by Dann326 May 25, 2018
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1. To be unceremoniously broken up with, unfriended, or otherwise casual become disassociated with; shown through actions. Can implies the person that put the other down for a better alternative or for bored.

2. To be casually dismissed from a relationship, verbally

3. To be ghosted
1. Ex. Mom talking to Dad: Now that Sally's started high school and made new friends she hangs with them a lot more. I guess she's grown up and put her mom down and doesn't want to hang out with me anymore.
Ex. John can never seem to make it to our outings now, I guess he's put us down

2. Jack to Jill: I think we're better as friends, we should see other people

3. You didn't reply to my text in a few days so I figured you had put me down.
by Dann326 January 20, 2021
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1. A pair of very high heeled, often flashy or otherwise conspicuous shoes. Usually said with the implication that the wearer wants to be seen as sexy.
2. A strippers high heel shoes.
*two friends meet at a party*

Friend #1 Dang Shamaria you got your steppers on tonight!
Friend #2 I haven't been out since I broke up with Rex so I put my 6 inch heels on and said I'm going to have a good time!

*Both laugh*
by Dann326 August 8, 2016
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To get carried away in one's speech, usually in regards to talking about someone else or some action one is going to do. Basically talkin' mess taken too far.
After a few too many drinks at the party last night, Joe really started to pop off at the mouth. First he started talking about my physique, then about how he could beat me in a fight.
by Dann326 November 29, 2015
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