17 definitions by DJ Willow from Paris

adjective. A mix between ambient music, and loud booming bass that you would hear in electronic dub reggae. It sounds like mellow lie around in the chill room at a rave, but it usually has big bass that makes you want to get up and shake your ass. Most people don't know how to dance to slambient music so they just sit around and bob their heads.
Candy Raver: What is this rad music your playing, is this trance? Down tempo house? Dub Step?....What is it?

DJ Willow from Paris: Um, none of the above, it's Slambient.

by DJ Willow from Paris February 7, 2008
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Noun. Syn.camel toe, Trousers that are snug fitting in the groin area. So snug in fact that you can practically see the labia (i.e. camel toe). "You can see her lips moving but you can't hear what she's saying". Can be lycra or spandex, but are most often ill fitting pants possibly with pleating on the front, or just REALLY tight jeans.
I was down at the Ghetto Mart today buying cracky snacks and this hoochie came in with her mumble trousers on. One of the guys looked at me knowingly and winked before saying to the hoochie, "What I can't hear you?". She unwittingly blinked and continued to gab away on her cell phone, as she purchased a pack of KOOL cigaretts and a Diet Coke.
by DJ Willow from Paris November 21, 2007
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A snack most likley found in a Ghetto Mart or in a truck stop. i.e. Potato Chips, Lorna Doone Cookies, Microwaveable Burritos, Pringles, Litte Debbie Snacks, Hostess Baked Goods, etc...etc...
Should be very high in sugar or salt content. Preferably containing M.S.G. or high fructose corn syrup. Offers little or no nutrition.
DJ Willow from Paris (while on tour): Wow! I've had way too many Cracky Snacks today. I feel like shit! Can we stop at a road-side diner so we can all dine on some real food tonight before the show?
C.B. (Legendary tour bus driver): Um, there is an AMAZING! organic brew-pub in the next town over, about 100 miles from here, can you make it till then?
DJ Willow from Paris: Oh C.B.!!! I LOVE YOU!
C.B.: I know, 'cause I'm the BEST!
by DJ Willow from Paris June 25, 2007
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verb. The "act" of lying around listless, hungover, vehemently moaning and groaning after a long night or weekend of heavy drinking and marathon partying.
We left and went to the gig without her, she was full on Shortcaking. She was all Boo Boo Boo about it, so we told her that she could Tag Team DJ with us next time.
by DJ Willow from Paris September 13, 2011
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n. A refridgerator, in which contents mainly consist of condiments (possibly a half a sixpack of beer and maybe some old moldy cheese). A poorly stocked Bachelor or Bachelorette fridge.
In the movie "FIGHT CLUB", Tyler Durden feigns embarrasment upon returning to his condo that he obliterated, once he comes across his fridge lying in the smoldering mess with it's door flung open, displaying it's contents for the whole world to see.

DJ SB3: "Ewe, Willow what's this in your fridge?, a science expiriment or is that left over take out food?"

DJ Willow from Paris: "Whateves,I'm soooo not embarrased by my Fight Club Fridge, what does it matter when I'm never home anyway?"
by DJ Willow from Paris April 25, 2008
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see. new rave The hottest dance tracks comming out of France right now would fit into this genre.
Rave Nuevo is sweeping the nation! Just ask Deejays like the world famous DJ Willow from Paris or DJ YR LTTL PWNY, they know all about it.
by DJ Willow from Paris February 7, 2008
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