2 definitions by DECRIMINALIZE POT NOW!
Common terminology used in the 1960's and 1970's in the United States to describe approximately one ounce of marijuana.
by DECRIMINALIZE POT NOW! February 14, 2005
A close relative of marijuana, sinsemilla is a flowering cannabis plant which is commonly far higher in concentration of tetrahydrocannibol. ("THC" The active drug in marijuana) Sinsemilla is the actual flowering portion of a cannabis plant, while marijuana is classified as vegitation (leaves). Conventional marijuana yields approximately 4% THC concentration, while sinsemilla is commonly between 10-14% concentration and if grown correctly will be seedless as well.
Sinsemilla is a combination of two spanish words "Sin" meaning "without" and "semilla" meaning "seed".
Sinsemilla is a combination of two spanish words "Sin" meaning "without" and "semilla" meaning "seed".
by DECRIMINALIZE POT NOW! February 14, 2005