3 definitions by D3uteron


A disease that has started killing white people. Until then, it's just a disease, regardless of how many have already died.
AIDS is a disease that started in Africa. But now it's an epidemic that has hit the gay community in San Francisco.
by D3uteron June 5, 2009
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Syndicated Cartoonist

White guys who create racist and/or sexist drawings (usually of African-Americans and/or Hispanics) to boost newspaper or magazine sales.
Calling a syndicated cartoonist insensitive is like telling a basketball player he's tall.
by D3uteron June 5, 2009
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you fit the description

Phrase that police use to justify arresting any African American in any situation.
I stopped you because you fit the description of a suspect who robbed a liquor store.
by D3uteron June 5, 2009
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